English Poems


I wish today was not just an ordinary day And it would have been better if it was yesterday The day before when all my friends were here And soul to soul, every core was near If only I didn’t feel every word, you said If only I didn’t feel like a maid If only you could have loved me too And not loved me like you hated too And if yesterday can be erased All the bad memories will wash away But all my friends will be a waste Cause they all fade in your thoughts so grey.         Photo by Nicole Mason on Unsplash

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Give me the words, And put my heart between swords; Close your eyes and whisper nothing, Kiss and show me, everything. Touch my soul once again, to kiss the sorrow of my pain; See inside my colored mind, And make me, once again, blind; Linger your whisper, Put on my lips, your finger; Make me yours again, And set me, in the old chain. Pull me tight, Don’t kiss me good night, Make me suffer, So that you’ll be rougher; Hold on to the night, And don’t let there be light, Cause light will only show the truth, That neither me nor you, are sooth…   Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash  

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Lost Crown

I felt the cut, the drop, the pain,  The last round of your chain. Falling onto the ground, Without making a sound;   I felt so weak, so out of power, So stuck under your thumb, My mouth filled with sour, Of your forgotten crumb.   I prayed to open my eyes, One more time to see the sky, To see the sun again, shine, Over your knees bent, Under my command, Without making a sound, Without so much of a frown, Under your long-lost crown     Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash  

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Guidance to my girls

This happy new endearment, It fills me with contentment; My girls look at me and smile, I finally feel that style, That tells me life is good; Life can change its roots, Life can turn round the sun, Make you feel like you’ve won, A part that was never found before, In the distant childhood door;     My girls can now know, That my new glow, Means I am finally leading them, That all they want, they can, That all they dream, they will, That with all that’s in their hands, No man can punish them;   That all they need is to believe, In the one they want to be, That all their love can be constructive, And all their fears destructive; That all they want to achieve, Is at their fingertip, All they need is to believe, In their possibilities, In themselves, in their heart, That needs following to the top;     All I want them to know, Is that they don’t need to show, The world around how they can please, They need to listen to themselves, And follow their own, heart and desires, Toward their soul bonfires;     I was one who was mostly alone, Made mistakes that I now know, Grew with them, but all together, Healed some scars, but made others, To me, to them, that we need to heal, To forget and not pass over as faults, Generation’s own defaults;     There is a key for all these, Scars that couldn’t be eased, There is a possibility, To heal and turn them into utility, So we can learn and become stronger, Feel loved and go over, All that might have been, All the negative in between;     So have a voice, my girls, Create the life your heart desires, Ignore all the negativity, the mire, That tries to hold you back, And follow your heart’s track.       Photo by Kevin Schmid on Unsplash    

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