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I wish today was not just an ordinary day And it would have been better if it was yesterday The day before when all my friends were here And soul to soul, every core was near If only I didn’t feel every word, you said If only I didn’t feel like a maid If only you could have loved me too And not loved me like you hated…


Miercuri îţi trimit un punct; Joi începi să îl priveşti, Vineri îl transformi în rând Într-o exclamare: ce doreşti?! Sâmbătă îl tot priveşti, Într-o întrebare îl priponeşti; Şi din al tău sarcasm privind, Îl transformi în punct, glumind. Punct din punct îmi tot transmiţi, Şi te faci mereu că uiţi, Că oricâte mări eviţi, Voi ştii mereu ce punct emiţi! Photo by Vincentiu Solomon on Unsplash

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Gânduri Măcinate

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Inked Echoes

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